Summation symbol (Sigma Notation)

The summation symbol is used as a shorthand representation of a summation process.

Let's look at a basic example where we want to sum the numbers 1, 2, and 3:

\[ \text{$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}} ^{\color{red}{3}}{\color{#1299e7}{\textit{i}}} = \color{#1299e7}{1+2+3}=6$}\]

1 - is Lower bound: Indicates the starting point for the summation
3 - Upper bound: Specifies where the summation process ends
i - index of summation

How do we do that? We plug in into i (that is next to a summation sign) values starting from the lower bound, (here 1) up to the upper bound incrementing by one. And we sum all these numbers. That's all!

Let's look on the summation symbol in all its glory and purpose!
If you had to express the sum of the first 1000 natural numbers, what would you choose?

Read in Ukrainian

$ \sum_{i=1} ^{1000}{i}$

Let's solve more similar examples:

Example 1:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}} ^{\color{red}{5}}{\color{#1299e7}{\textit{i}}} = ?$

Solution: we simply plug in numbers for i from 1 to 5 and sum them: $ \sum_{i=1} ^{5}{{\textit{i}}} =1+2+3+4+5=15$

Solution: we simply plug in numbers for i from 1 to 5 and sum them: $ \sum_{i=1} ^{5}{{\textit{i}}} =1+2+3+4+5=\\=15$

Example 2:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}} ^{\color{red}{3}}{\color{#1299e7}{2\cdot i}} =?$

Solution: multiply each number from 1 to 3 by 2 and sum them: $ \sum_{i=1} ^{3}{\color{blue}{2}\cdot i} =\color{blue}{2}\cdot1+\color{blue}{2}\cdot2+\color{blue}{2}\cdot3=12$

Solution: multiply each number from 1 to 3 by 2 and sum them: $ \sum_{i=1} ^{3}{\color{blue}{2}\cdot i} =\color{blue}{2}\cdot1+\color{blue}{2}\cdot2+\\+\color{blue}{2}\cdot3=12$

What if the summation index does not start from 1? In such cases, we simply plug in the values from the starting point:

Example 3:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=7}} ^{\color{red}{10}}{\color{#1299e7}{\frac{1}{i}}} =?$

Solution: $ \sum_{i=7} ^{10}{\frac{1}{i}} =\frac{1}{7}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{9}+\frac{1}{10}$

Now it is your turn!
Solve the following summation symbol examples, find the sum (you can check solutions at the bottom of this page):

1. $ \sum_{i=1} ^{7}{i}$

2. $ \sum_{i=1} ^{5}{3\cdot i}$

3. $ \sum_{i=1} ^{4}{-i}$ What about this one?:)
4. $ \sum_{i=6} ^{10}{i}$

5. $ \sum_{k=2} ^{5}{\frac{1}{k}}$ The letter is of no importance

Summation of a constant

In previous examples, you may have noticed that the lower summation index i also appears on the right side of the summation sign. Let's look at an example when there is only a constant next to a summation sign:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}} ^{\color{red}{2}}{\color{#1299e7}{4}} = 4+4$

In such case, we sum the constant with itself. How many times? As many times as there are numbers from the lower to the upper bound — in the example above, 2 times ( we say that the index i goes from 1 to 2).

Let's solve more similar examples:

Example 1:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=1}} ^{\color{red}{3}}{\color{#1299e7}{2}} = ?$

Solution: because i goes from 1 to 3, we sum 2 three times: $ \sum_{i=1} ^{3}{{2}} =2+2+2=3\cdot 2=6$

Example 2:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=0}} ^{\color{red}{3}}{\color{#1299e7}{2}} =?$

Solution: because i goes from 0 to 3: 0,1,2,3 - we sum 2 four times: $ \sum_{i=0} ^{3}{{2}} =2+2+2+2=4\cdot 2=8$

Solution: because i goes from 0 to 3: 0,1,2,3 - we sum 2 four times: $ \sum_{i=0} ^{3}{{2}} =2+2+2+2=\\=4\cdot 2=8$

Example 3:

$ \sum_{\color{red}{i=4}} ^{\color{red}{8}}{\color{#1299e7}{1}} = ?$

Solution: i goes from 4 to 8: 4,5,6,7,8 so there are 5 numbers. Therfore we sum 1 five times: $ \sum_{i=4} ^{8}{{1}} =1+1+1+1+1=5\cdot 1=5$

Solution: i goes from 4 to 8: 4,5,6,7,8 so there are 5 numbers. Therfore we sum 1 five times: $ \sum_{i=4} ^{8}{{1}} =1+1+1+1+1=\\=5\cdot 1=5$

So, how many times do we sum the constant?

Subtract the lower from the upper bound and add one. In the example above: $8-4+1=5$. So 5 times.
Why do we add one? Because we subtracted the lower bound, but it should be included.

Now, a couple examples for you to solve, find the sum: (you can check solutions at the bottom of this page):

6. $ \sum_{i=1} ^{7}{1}$

7. $ \sum_{i=0} ^{3}{3}$

8. $ \sum_{i=1} ^{4}{4}$
9. $ \sum_{i=5} ^{6}{\frac{1}{2}}$

10. $ \sum_{i=10} ^{22}{5}$

11. $ \sum_{i=5} ^{25}{0}$
Solutions are at the bottom on purpose. First, do them yourself :)) and then scroll down.


The sums are:

1) 28
2) 45
3) $(-1)+(-2)+(-3)+(-4)=-10$
4) 40
5) $\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{5}=\frac{77}{60}$

6) 7
7) 12
8) 16
9) 1
10) How many times do we add up 5? As many times as there are numbers from lower to the upper bound, so:
$(22-10+1)=13$ times.
The answer is: $13\cdot 5=65$
11) 0